Solutions for Government Projects

Magnor is proud to collaborate with many important institutions in Israel, and to help them maintain a pigeon and rodent-free environment. When they work seamlessly, everyone benefits.

The government sector operates in accodance with very high standards. Rodents and pigeons may interfere with performance, and therefore it is imperative to solve the problem before it appears. Magnor has vast experience in protecting government work environments, while complying with all necessary conditions and standards – including ISO 9001 and more.
Introducing our advanced systems:
Rat Shield RS 1800: Magnor’s flagship system for rat and rodent deterrance. The system transmits ultrasonic sound waves that deter rodent and prevents them from entering specific areas and damaging crucial infrastructure. This system is an ideal solution for server rooms, large communucation systems and vast areas that contain extensive wiring and mechanical equipment.
BirdLine Pro: An innovative system that deters pigeons from approaching specific areas, and which puts a stop to harmful and acidic bird droppings on the premises. The system is operated via a cellular processor that sends multi-frequency pulses into pressure strips that are installed in strategic locations. The pulse creates an uncomfortable sensation that does not harm the pigeons, yet creates a detterance that proves to be effective, time and time again.

Israel and international development and
manufacturing by Magnor Israel

Research-tested & proven

The only company in Israel certified for electronic pest control

A robust 100%-effective electronic rodent control solution
Magnor's electronic systems are successfully deployed in the following organizations and government offices: