Fish Ponds

Solutions for Fish Ponds

Fish farming is an essential agricultural expertise, yet it is under continuous attack by seabirds and migrating birds. How can these attacks be stopped, without causing the birds any harm? Magnor has the answer.
A major part of our fish intake comes from artificial fish ponds. Like other farming practices, this field of expertise has its share of challenges. A specific challenge that comes from above is especially frustrating to fish farmers: fish-eating birds.
In order to assist fish farmers, Magnor developed BIRDOX, an automatic laser-based system that recognizes the birds as they approach the fish ponds in order to feed on the fish, and deters them without causing them harm.
The system uses image processing technologies that differentiate between different bird species and use laser beams to deter the relevant birds. The system provides continuous fish pond coverage and creates a seabird-free zone.
BIRDOX is the optimal solution for fish pond and water reservoir protection, and was specifically designed to withstand changing weather conditions. It is a groundbreaking solution that effectively replaces nets and all other solutions on the market, which do not achieve the desired results and unnecessarily harm birds.

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