SyronHawk- מערכת להרחקת ציפורים

SyronHawk - Elite bird control - Made By Magnor


SyronHAWK is the newest generation of automated intelligent laser bird repellents. It is an effective solution to repel birds in an animal-friendly way. The SyronHAWK covers the area that needs protection from birds continuously. Birds perceive the approaching laser as a physical danger and avoid the area.
The laser bird repellent has proven to be effective over time without habituation.

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Main features:

Connect wirelessly•
•Components of the SyronHAWK can easily be replaced, minimizing downtime.
Immediate and long-lasting results•
•Effective bird repelling across long distances and wide spaces
•24/7 prevention of bird presence
•Neighbor-friendly and silent bird repellent
•SyronHAWK always operates safely, without harming people.

More about Syron

The  SYRON provides long-term solutions for large-scale bird problems in different contexts by using a unique combination of technology and support services.

SYRON dominates the market for bird control with state-of-the-art solutions systems and support services, bringing solutions for large-scale applications at much lower costs than existing methods,
without causing nuisances to other animals or humans.

 SYRON solutions provide immediate positive results with a fast return on investment. After the investment, we work together with our customers to reach their desired results.

After the bird problem is solved, we continue to optimize the system for maximum effectiveness at lower annual costs. SYRON 

Application accessories

With the SyronHAWK we provide a flexible solution. The system can be adapted to any kind of environment. It can be installed on a pole, the (extended) frame, or it can be mounted to a wall.

These are only a few examples of the many ways the SyronHAWK can be installed.


For precision-based bird identification and heightened deterrence capabilities, regardless of environment, weather or sunlight conditions.


Ideal for all scenarios and environments, from agricultural and solar fields to oil rigs. Can be installed without any prior knowledge. Comes with a wide range of accessories that support simple installation in almost all conditions.


Powered by either electricity or solar power. Offers ideal installation flexibility for sites with fluctuating electrical connections, unstable electricity source, or lack of wiring infrastructure.


A cloud-based connection streams software updates directly to the Syron Hawk system – without human intervention or site visits. The system automatically calibrates after every update.


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Durable in all weather conditions 

Complies with all relevant standards

Developed and manufactured in Israel

Research-tested & proven

Solar energy powered

Clean & aesthetic design for all surfaces

100%-effective bird control solution

User-friendly solution

UV resistant

Innovative design for all building types


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